Google Drawing

Today’s Cybersmart Challenge is all about mastering Google Drawings and showcasing your unique personality. You will create a poster in Google Drawing, which uses a combination of text…

Files & Folders

This challenge is all about naming/renaming and filing items into folders in your Drive. Keeping your files and folders is part of being a Smart Learner!


In this Cybersmart Challenge you will be learning about how you can set up your bookmarks and organise them into folders. Organising your bookmarks into folders will enable…

Device Care

In this challenge, you will learn how to care for your device. This is part of the Kawa of Care and falls under the Smart Learner category. The…

Kawa of Care

In this Cybersmart Challenge you will be learning about the Manaiakalani Kawa of Care. The Kawa of Care is an agreement between students, parents and schools in the…

Comic Strip

This Cybersmart Challenge is part of the Smart Media strand. In this Cybersmart Challenge, you will be creating comic strips. A comic strip is a sequence of drawings…

Fake News

Today, we’re learning about fake news, which is when a story seems real but is actually made up. Fake news can appear anywhere, like on social media or…

Creating Images

Creating our own images is a great way to ensure we have the right to use them. There is no need to attribute the image.  Kleki is a…

Ownership and Copyright

This challenge explores the difference between copyright and public domain media, covering formats like stories, images, and videos. Students will apply their learning by creating a collage using…

Attributing Images

Smart Learners create and share original photos and images whenever they can. Sometimes, if we want a specific image, it is helpful to be able to search and…

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