Category: 4. Smart MediaPage 1 of 2

Polyline Tool

In this challenge, you’ll learn how to use the polyline tool in Google Draw and Google Slides. This tool allows you to trace over images and create your…

New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL)

Let’s celebrate New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL). NZSL is one of the three official languages of New Zealand. The Challenge this week is to learn how to introduce…

Quality Blog Posts

Tips for creating eye-catching, quality blog posts can encourage readers to visit your blog and leave comments.  For this challenge you will identify the components of a quality…

Media Bias

Being smart with media is all about understanding what media is and who creates it. Media bias is something that can be seen in all forms of media…

Fake News #2

Not everything we see, hear or read online is real! Many people though are very quick to believe that what they are seeing or reading or hearing online…

Fake News #1

Today’s Cybersmart Challenge is based on the skill of critically examining information found online to spot fake news. The challenge today is to spot the fake news and…

Copyright and Attribution

For this challenge you will be learning all about copyright and attribution. When we use other peoples media we must make sure we are being smart with media…

What is Media?

This challenge introduces Smart Media, and the question of, What is Media? Learn how to figure out what a piece of media is all about. Ask questions to…

Te Takatā i te Whakaahua

Tēnā rā koutou, Anei te Wero Tū Atamai i te Ipurangi mō te wiki nei!  Ko tā tātou ko te aro atu ki te takatā i ngā whakaahua…

Google My Maps

Google My Maps is a tool that lets people create personalised maps with multiple locations, custom markers, and photos. You could use it for mapping out an event…

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