Category: 3. Smart RelationshipsPage 1 of 2

Quality Blog Comments | Kia Kounga te Tākupu – Rangitaki

This challenge is part of our Smart Relationships category, emphasising the importance of knowing why we should make our comments quality ones and how to do this. Cybersmart…

Sharing Others

This challenge is part of our Smart Footprint category, emphasizing the importance of sharing images responsibly. It’s essential to ask for permission before using someone else’s photo and…

New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL)

Let’s celebrate New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL). NZSL is one of the three official languages of New Zealand. The Challenge this week is to learn how to introduce…

Quality Blog Posts

Tips for creating eye-catching, quality blog posts can encourage readers to visit your blog and leave comments.  For this challenge you will identify the components of a quality…

Empowerment – What to do when things go wrong

This challenge highlights how Smart Learners are empowered to know what to do when things go wrong. In this challenge we will look at what you can do…

Maintaining Positive Relationships

Working together using Google Draw to make cool patterns. We can maintain positive and supportive relationships by taking turns adding our ideas and using different colours and tools….

Email Etiquette

This challenge is designed to learn about email etiquette and to practise by  sending an email to your Principal. 

Blog Replies

Learn about what make a good Blog Reply.  Have a go at replying to a comment or two in a positive and thoughtful way that helps build and…

Google Meet

Get Ready for Doing the Right Thing in Google Meet! Jump into the world of Google Meet like a pro with this activity designed just for you! Learn…

Collaborative Google Docs

This challenge is part of our Smart Relationships strand as it focuses on learning to use Google Docs collaboratively with other people. It means you need to be…

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